We work in areas like these through-out the city. A small, one room, mud, brick or alumimum siding hut is the norm. A shared "squatty potty" and a communal shower make up the neighborhood. Yet, through these neighborhoods, shines the light of Jesus Christ. Through your prayers, the Word of Jesus is reaching into these areas. Reaching the "witch doctor" huts, the pubs and the homes of prostitutes. Jesus came for all, He loved the world, not just one tribe or one nation. Pray that even through it all, the suffering, the lack of daily necessities, God will be known. Pray that there will be ways those living in these areas can obtain employment, training, and education to provide for their families. Pray that a universal form of education can be made available to each child, regardless of their financial situation. Pray for the future, the children, as they seek to learn and grow both in knowledge and in the Lord.

Pray that officials, leaders and lay people will strive to work together to alleviate poverty in this country. Pray that one day, children can play in neighborhoods where there is no raw sewage in front of their house. Where they can be free of diseases associated with poor sanitation, poor infrastructure and poor water. A place where they can safely play and go to school.
As you perform your daily tasks, please pray for those here in Uganda who are doing their daily tasks.
"Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."
2 Corinthians 1:21-22